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Groundbreaking Law to Reduce Plastic Pollution From Washing Machines

Samin Ghiasi

France recently passed a groundbreaking law requiring all new washing machines sold in France to have filters that capture plastic microfibres released during the wash cycle. These microfibres are so small that they are not filtered out by sewage treatment plants.

The problem of plastic microfibres from washing machines has become increasingly pressing in recent years. Synthetic microfibres are particularly dangerous because they have the potential to poison the food chain. Their size also allows them to be readily consumed by fish and other wildlife.

This is even more alarming, as these plastic fibres have the potential to bioaccumulate, concentrating toxins in the bodies of larger animals, higher up the food chain.

The law takes effect in 2025 and the French government is encouraging washing machine manufacturers to adopt this new technology voluntarily before the law takes effect to get a head start on reducing plastic pollution.

A model for others to follow

With plastic pollution becoming an increasingly pressing issue, it is vital for governments to take action. The French government is hoping that this law will serve as a model for other countries to follow, and it will inspire a global effort to reduce plastic pollution from washing machines. In addition to the new law on washing machines, France is also taking steps to reduce plastic pollution in other ways. For example, France has banned single-use plastic bags and is working to reduce the use of other single-use plastic products, such as straws and cutlery. The country is also investing in recycling and waste management programmes to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in the environment.

It is encouraging to see France taking such bold action to reduce plastic pollution. By requiring washing machine manufacturers to install filters, France is addressing a significant source of plastic pollution and taking a step in the right direction toward a cleaner, healthier environment. Other countries should follow France's lead and implement similar measures to reduce plastic pollution from washing machines.

Here are three ways that other countries can share France's example by reducing plastic pollution from washing machines:

  • Implement similar legislation: Pass laws requiring washing machine manufacturers to install filters that capture plastic microfibres.

  • Encourage voluntary adoption: Encourage washing machine manufacturers to adopt the technology voluntarily before the law takes effect.

  • Invest in research and development: Invest in research and development to spur innovation and help create more effective filters and other technologies that can capture plastic microfibres and reduce plastic pollution from washing machines.


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Image: WiX

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